Thursday, February 9, 2012

Uniquely Created, Uniquely Treated

We have just finished day four at Hansa.  Each day is full of therapies....lots of focus on detox!  Saunas, foot baths, lymph treatment, massage, adjustments of a whole new kind, lasers, and more. It is all based on energy and I don't even know how to put it all into really has been a little overwhelming.   I wish I could describe what they do, but I think the best I can do is say that they believe everything has a specific energy frequency.  They test your body for certain frequencies and then match the treatment to that frequency.   Most everyone does these same therapies, but Dr. Jowdy's treatments are very specific to the individual.  I think this is what I have come away with so far at Hansa.  They look at the unique individual and tailor the treatment to them.  Dr. Jowdy is constantly assessing Delaney's body to see what she is responding to or needing.  He says it is important to ask the body the right questions so you know where to go with treatment.  This is all tied up in the frequencies!  It truly is a unique experience to watch what he does.

This individual treatment makes a lot of sense to me.  It seems like it is probably the missing key to much of what we do in life and especially Lyme treatment.  If apples even give off a specific frequency, different from that of an orange....then how much different must the frequencies be from different people!   Lyme affects every ones bodies so differently.  One reason is Lyme tends to go to the weakest links in the body.  Therefore, people will present differently and need different treatment.  God did create us each as unique individuals as He "knitted us together in our mother's womb".  We really learn that we are unique at an early age, but from then on we usually are so busy trying to cover it up rather than embrace it. 

So, in Lyme treatment, as well as life....I believe we need to truly accept our uniqueness and individuality.  I think this may be one reason lyme treatments so often fail.  It cannot be a one size fits all.  As I watch and experience what happens here at Hansa, and in muscle testing in general, it really seems to key in on that uniqueness.  It picks up on what is happening in the body in a way that other test or treatments miss.  We continue to pray that this unique treatment will uniquely touch Delaney's body like nothing else has.  We pray God would use this treatment to bring her into a healthy state of living.


  1. Thanks for this, Shauna. We are lifting Delaney and you up... daily! God be with you, and over you and through you and around you during this process. xoxo michelle

    1. Thanks Michelle, It means a lot that we have all of you at home holding us up in prayer.
